Summary Report

Dr. Emanuele Corn & Giovanni Francesco Perilongo

Country reports


Belgium Finland
Germany Hungary
Italy Norway
Netherlands Poland
Slovakia United Kingdom
Denmark France
Czech Republic Estonia

 Programme (EN) — Programme (FR)

Questionnaire (EN) — Questionnaire (FR)



Introduction by Luc Lavrysen, President of EUFJE 

Miroslav Angelov, European Commission, DGENV

Evaluation of Directive 2008/99/EC from a Commission Perspective (EN)

Carlo M. Grillo

Direttiva 2008/99/CE: Protezione penale dell'ambiente evoluzione e attualita' della situazione italiana (IT, FR)

Dr. Elsa Vesco

The protection of the environment through criminal law (IT)

Vittoria Luda di Cortemiglia

The WEEE chain of events, Key findings and recommendations Legal Framework (EN)

David de la Bodega, SEO/Birdlife

The European Network against Environmental Crime (ENEC) (EN)

Anne Brosman, UK Environmental Agency

The European Network of Public Prosecutors for the Environment (EN)

Roel Willekens, Chair EnviCrimeNet, EURPOL

The Intelligence Project on Environmental Crime (EN)

Dr. Emanuele Corn

The Volkswagen case (IT)