

Many thanks to ELTE University and the Constitutional Court of Hungary, to our passionate speakers and to all participants, on-site and online, for contributing to make this annual conference and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of EUFJE a convivial moment of sharing knowledge and experiences, and which showed a real eagerness to cooperate and strengthen the practice of environmental law by judges through such sharing and the rich discussions that resulted from it. The Annual Conference took place at ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary (hybrid), on 18 and 19 October 2024.

The theme of the conference was "Human Rights Approach to the Protection of the Environment and Future Generations":

  • We hosted presentations by Representatives from the EU Commission, the Aarhus Compliance Committee, the Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, and the Ombudsman for Future Generations of Hungary.
  • We also heard about case law and experiences from Judges from the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, as well as on pending advisory opinions of ICJ and ITLOS, and on experiences from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
  • Turning to EU national jurisdictions as well as some associated members' jurisdictions, we had a presentation by Dr. Katalin Sulyok, Chief Legal Advisor at the Office of the Ombudsman for Future Generations and Associate Professor in International Environmental Law and Climate Law at ELTE Law School in Budapest, of the outcomes of a questionnaire that we sent to our members in order to understand what recent developments were occurring on Human Rights Approach to the Protection of the Environment and Future Generations.
  • Finally, we exchanged on case law with judges from Germany, Hungary, France, Norway, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ukraine. We also heard a presentation on the BIOVAL tool, an indicative tool to value damage to nature in court, as a tool contributing to enforcing the right to a healthy environment.

You will find the detailed programme here.


A report of the outcomes of the questionnaire has been prepared by Dr. Katalin Sulyok.


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F. BOUQUELLE J. VAN DEN BERGHE R2HE - compensating damage to nature with BIOVAL
M. CLEMENT Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee
M. FORST UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention
J.C. GAMBOA Experiences from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on environmental protection and future generations
T.A. HELLERSLIA Norwegian case-lawT.A. HELLERSLIA Norwegian case-law
K. SULYOK EUFJE Annual Report 2024
F. THONET & C. HENROTIN Belgian case law : Klimaatzaak (versions française ici)
V. URKEVYCH The right to a safe environment in times of war in Ukraine