• 23 January: European Judicial Training Network Contact Point meeting
  • 7 February: International Event at the French Constitutional council on “Justice, Future Generations and the Environment”
  • 14 March: UNECE side-event at the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (online): "Environmental Rule of Law and the role of access to justice in delivering on SDGs 16 and 13"
  • 8 April: WHU 1893 Global Law Distinguished Lectures Series on "Climate Law: International and European Perspectives", Wuhan University School of Law
  • 15 April: UNDP regional office Bosnia and Herzegovina, training on the application of the EU Directive on Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law - https://www.undp.org/bosnia-herzegovina/projects/strengthening-environmental-rule-law-bosnia-and-herzegovina / https://www.instagram.com/p/C507lTlKc9D/?igsh=MWc5ODl5Zm15djlsMg==
  • 18 April: Waldrappteam Symposium and World-Café: "New approaches and technologies against illegal bird hunting" - Presentation of the BIOVAL project by EUFJE and INBO (online)
  • 1-3 May: Meeting of Judges, CJEU's celebration of “20 years since the accession of 10 States to the European Union: A new constitutional moment for Europe”
  • 21-22 May: IMPEL Nature Protection Team Meeting, online (presentation on BIOVAL)
  • 11-12 June: JRC-ESA Workshop on Earth Observation to investigate environmental crimes - https://envcrimes2024.esa.int/
  • 2-4 July: 28th meeting of the Working Group of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention, Geneva (meeting’s webpage). List of decisions and major outcomes of the meeting.
  • 26 September: presentation of EUFJE and study visit/training on environmental criminal law for judges and prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized by UNDP, Constitutional Court of Belgium, Brussels 
  • 29 September: ENPE Annual General Meeting (online)
  • 8 October: OHCHR, joining forces to better support and protect Environmental Human Rights Defenders in Europe, UN House, Brussels
  • 10 October: OSCE Mission to Serbia, "Effective Legal Instruments for Processing Environmental Cases - "Greening Justice", Belgrade (online)
  • 10 October: UCC-ENPPE Conference on Environmental Crime: “Co-operation to ensure effective prosecution”, Cork, Ireland - Presentation of BIOVAL (online)
  • 18-19 October: EUFJE's Annual Conference on "Human rights-based tools to protect the environment and future generations", Budapest (ELTE University) - Co-organised with the Hungarian Constitutional Court and the Ombudsman for Future Generations
  • 24 October: 47th EU Wildlife Trade Enforcement Group meeting, convened by the European Commission DG ENV CITES team, is taking place on 24 October 2024 in Brussels - presentation of BIOVAL (online)
  • 29 October: Master's Degree in Comprehensive Environmental Protection organized by the Guardia Civil University Centre on "International Cooperation in Enviromental Protection".
  • 7 November: UNDP Caribbean Judges’ Forum on Human Rights, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (online)
  • 15 November: Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan, COP29 Pakistan Pavilion, "Judicial Pathway Towards Climate Justice: Judicial Approaches in the Asia-Pacific Region for Addressing Climate Change."
  • 15-16 November: GJIE, ADB and UNEP's COP29 side-event, Baku, Azerbaijan: "The Model Forest Act Initiative - A Global Partnership to Improve the Legal Protection of Forests" - https://ayna.az/cirklenme-tebiet-ve-su-hakimlerin-iqlim-deyisikliyine-dair-qlobal-dialoqu-movzusunda-tedbir-kecirilib; “Pollution, Nature and Water: A Global Dialogue Among Judges in the Context of Climate Change;” “Climate Change and Courts: Judicial Perspectives on Climate Litigation.
  • 18-19 November: IMPEL Nature Protection Expert Team Meeting - presentation of BIOVAL (online)


  • 20-21 January: LOT4Partner Annual Meeting  and 2025 Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Exercis
  • 7 February: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Global Perspectives on Corporate Climate Legal Tactics - Judicial Training for European Judges (Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation)
  • 18-19 February: 16th meeting of the Aarhus Convention Task Force on Access to Justice, Geneva
  • 21-22 May: 4 Networks Conference: "Making the new Environmental Crime Directive work - Cooperation/Prevention/Enforcement", Bratislava, Slovakia
  • 8th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention and the 5th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on PRTRs