Helsinki 2019

EUFJE Annual Conference
13-14 September 2019

„The role of science in environmental adjudication”

Venue: Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Fabianinkatu 15, Helsinki

 Programme (EN)    Programme (FR) 

 Summary report



 K. Sulyok & F. Bögös, The role of science in environmental adjudication in EUFJE member's courts - Findings of the questionnaire
M. Schultz, The use of technical judges for better integration of scientific data in environmental decision-making
 M. Bundschuh, Limits to judicial review: "Red kite" case of the German Constitutional Court
M. Seppälä, Judge's perspective
 Ph. Ledenvic, EIA by the Environmental Authority and French administrative court decisions regarding EIA
 C. Billiet, Results of the LIFE-ENPE Project 2018-2019
 M. Hildén, Opportunities and challenges in providing and using research based knowledge in legal cases
 K. Marttinen, Parties perspectives
T. Paloniitty & M. Eliantonio, Scientific knowledge in environmental judicial review: safeguarding effective judicial protection in the EU Member States? Summary of the case study responses
B. Preston, Specialised Court Procedures for Expert Evidence
C. Sobotta, How the CJEU deals with scientific knowledge - Recent CJEU case law
R. Uylenburg & A.T. Dalen Gilhuijs, STAB A government funded answer to technical questions from judges in environmental law
J. Nissinen, Views from the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation


Available country reports

 Czech Republic  UK  Croatia  Finland  Norway  Sweden
 Germany  Slovak Republic  CJEU Legal secretary Sobotta  Greece  Poland  Ukraine
 Austria  Denmark  Cyprus  Hungary  Portugal  Bulgaria
 France  Belgium  Estonia  Italy  Spain